Dear Parents, welcome to SBBZ!
Do you have questions or are you worried about your children because they are not developing appropriately for their age? Would you like advice or early support that is tailored to the needs of your child? If so, please contact us.
We support your children from the day they are born to the beginning of school. Specifically, we work with children:
- who need specific developmental support due to a disability or impairment;
- who find it difficult to learn and play with other children;
- who are shy and lack self-confidence;
- whose primary mode of communication is reflected through anger, biting and hitting;
- who must cope with difficult life experiences and situations.

As institution of the State of Baden-Württemberg, all services are free of charge.
About us
We are a team of special educators and psychologists. Our goal, in line with the parents, is to accompany the development of the child in the best possible way. We do so by responding individually to the child and its special needs in cognitive, communicative, motor, or social-emotional development.
We further offer advice and assistance to parents and families of children in need of our support.
In addition, we provide training and supervision for professionals who focus on special education and early intervention.

Sonderpädagogisches Beratungszentrum
Schützenhausstr. 34, 69151 Neckargemünd
Fon: 06223 807 280
Fax: 06223 807 240
Contact person: Konstanze Augst, department head
Elternberatung und Frühförderung
Fortbildung und Supervision
Counselling for Parents & Early Intervention
Professional Training & Supervision